John Singer Sargent Sargent Poppies paintingJohn Singer Sargent A Boating Party paintingLord Frederick Leighton Nude on the Beach paintingLord Frederick Leighton Leighton Idyll painting
unforgettable evening.Fric wondered if all that effort and expense was worthwhile. At the end of the night, half the guests departed so drunk or so drug-fried that in the morning they wouldn’t remember where they had been.If you sat them in lawn chairs, gave them bags of burgers, and provided tanker trucks of wine, they would get wasted as usual. Then they’d puke their guts out as usual, collapse into unconsciousness as usual, and wake up the next day none the wiser.Because he was chief of security, Mr. Truman had two lines in his apartment, one personal and Only .The groundskeeper had a line of his own, but the totally scary [98] chef, Mr. Hachette, and the happy cook, Mr. Baptiste, shared one of Mrs. McBee’s lines.Ms. Hepplewhite, personal assistant to Ghost Dad, had two lines for her use.Freddie Nielander, the famous supermodel known in Fricsylvania as Nominal Mom, had a dedicated phone line here, although she had Dad nearly ten years ago and had stayed overnight less than ten times since then.Ghost Dad once told Freddie that he called her line every now and then, hoping she would answer and would tell him that she had come back to him at last and forever.Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha.
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