Monday, April 13, 2009

Piet Mondrian Composition with Red Yellow and Blue

Piet Mondrian Composition with Red Yellow and BluePiet Mondrian Composition 2Steve Thoms PoppiesEdvard Munch Puberty 1894
the part of his mind not occupied with thoughts of heat, he could feel Brutha's terror and bewilder­ment. He shouldn't have done that to the boy. Of course he hadn't been watching him. What god did that? Who cared what people did? some kin f divine providence, except that you were divine providence . . . and on your back, getting hotter, preparing to die . . .
That man who'd turned him over. That expression on that mild face. He'd remember that. That expres­sion, not of cruelty, but of some different level of be­ing. That expression of terrible peace . . .
A shadow crossed the sun. Om squinted up into the face of Lu-Tze, who gazed at him with gentle, upside­down compassion. And then turned him the right way up. And then picked
Heighton After Hours
Belief was the thing. He'd just picked the memory out of the boy's mind, to impress, like a conjuror removing an egg from someone's ear.I'm on my back, and getting hotter, and I'm going to die . . .And yet . . . and yet . . . that bloody eagle had dropped him on a compost heap. Some kind of clown, that eagle. A whole place built of rocks on a rock in a rocky place, and he landed on the one thing that'd break his fall without breaking him as well. And really close to a believer.Odd, that. Made you wonder if it wasn't

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