Monday, March 30, 2009

Edward Hopper First Row Orchestra

Edward Hopper First Row OrchestraEdward Hopper El PalacioEdward Hopper Dawn In PennsylvaniaEdward Hopper Cape Cod AfternoonLeroy Neiman Ryder Cup
The way I see it,’ said Dibbler, ‘there’s this high-born girl living all by herself in this big house, right, and her young man goes off to fight for the rebels, you see, and she meets this other guy, and there’s the chemistry between them-’
‘They blow up?’ said Victor.
‘He means they fall in love,’ said Ginger coldly.
‘That sort of thing,’ nodded Dibbler. ‘Eyes meeting across a crowded room. And she’s all alone in the world except for the servants and, let’s see, yeah, perhaps her pet dog-’
‘rest of the team.
‘I don’t know,’ said Victor slowly.
Everyone else’s eyes turned on him in the same way that spectators at the lion pit watch the first condemned criminal to be pushed out through the iron gate. He went on: ‘I mean,This’ll be Laddie?’ said Ginger. ‘Right. And of course she’s going to do everything she can to preserve the family mine, so she’s kind of flirting with ‘em both, the men, not the dog, and then one of them gets killed in the war and the other one throws her over but it’s all OK because she’s tough at heart.’ He sat back. ‘What d’you think?’ he said. The people sitting around the room looked uneasily at one another. There was a fidgety silence. ‘It sounds great, Uncle,’ said Soll, who wasn’t looking for any more problems today. ‘Technically very challenging,’ said Gaffer. There was a chorus of relieved assent from the

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